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Social and Educational Groups in the Isle of Man

Programs for adults, students and young people to get involved with, meet new people, learn and come together.

Army Cadets 

For action and adventure, fun and friendship, the Army Cadet Force is hard to beat. With nearly 39,000 cadets (aged 12-18) and 900 adults in over 1,600 locations in every corner of the United Kingdom, the ACF is one of the country’s largest voluntary youth organisations. It is also one of the oldest tracing its history back to 1859.

Café Lingo

Cafe Lingo (Isle of Man) is a stand-alone project sponsored by the Promenade Methodist Church as a way to "Welcome the Stranger". It aims to support newcomers to the Isle of Man for whom English is not their native language and to help them learn the English language.


Girlguiding IOM is the Island’s largest voluntary youth organisation comprising 65 groups catering for ages from 5 years to 26 years. They offer exciting opportunities, challenges and fun for girls and young women.

Manx Retirement Association

Formed in 1998, the Manx Retirement Association has grown steadily and currently has a membership of 390.  Their aim is to provide a comprehensive range of social and cultural activities for the over 50s in the Isle of Man.

Mother T’s 

Mother T's offer a pub alternative on the first Friday of every month. Creativity and activity is always encouraged here so musicians bring your instruments, artists bring your sketch pads, poets your words, crafters your tools and join in for a magical evening making new friends and drinking delicious chai!


PlasticBusters believes that the best way of reducing the plastic waste existing in the environment is to engage in litter picking activities, individually or in a group. They currently have a group of c.2000 members, engaged through social media platforms, many of which regularly participate in this type of volunteer activities.

Provincial Grand Lodge - Isle of Man

Comprising members of all cultures and backgrounds, Freemasonry’s ceremonial traditions encourage members to be tolerant and respectful and actively fulfil their civic and charitable responsibilities, whilst also taking time to eat, drink and form lifelong friendships. The Provincial Grand Lodge of the Isle of Man has 19 Lodges which meet in Douglas, Castletown, Peel and Ramsey.

Royal Air Force Air Cadets

The aim of the Air Cadets is to give a flavour of what the Air Training Corps has to offer air-minded young people, as well as providing cadets with training, opportunities and activities.

The Scout Association – Isle of Man

Scouts take part in activities as diverse as kayaking, abseiling, expeditions overseas, photography, climbing and zorbing. As a Scout you can learn survival skills, first aid, computer programming, or even how to fly a plane. There’s something for every young person. It’s a great way to have fun, make friends, get outdoors, express your creativity and experience the wider world.

Sea Cadets Isle of Man

The Sea Cadets aim to give young people an experience that will help them grow into the person they want to be in a safe and friendly environment. Through various activities and adventures, young people learn teamwork, respect, loyalty, self-confidence, commitment, self-discipline, honesty and how to be the best version of themselves.

Southern Befrienders

Southern Befrienders is a charity that supports elderly, socially isolated people living in the south of the Isle of Man with volunteer befrienders, social events and outings. The overall aim of Southern Befrienders is to reduce feelings of loneliness and social isolation by providing reliable, regular companionship – whether by one-to-one befriending or in social groups.


The University of the Third Age is a self-managed lifelong learning co-operative for people with time available in the daylight hours. The Isle of Man U3A intends to provide opportunities for our members to share learning experiences in a wide range of interest groups and to pursue learning not for qualifications, but for fun.

Youth Clubs

The Youth Service offers places to go, things to do and people to talk to for young people aged 8 to 21 and is part of the Department of Education and Children. Youth Clubs meet in venues across the island.

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