Introduction to Manx Politics
Democracy is at the very heart of the Isle of Man Government. Everyone has the same rights and the same opportunity to be heard.
The Isle of Man has its own political system and parliament called Tynwald. This allows the Island to have political autonomy from the UK and to maintain control over domestic legislation with the only areas outside of its purview being immigration and defence.
Democracy is at the very heart of the Isle of Man Government. Everyone has the same rights and the same opportunity to be heard. We even have a day every year (Tynwald Day) when any Isle of Man resident can directly petition parliament with any issues or grievances they may have.
General elections are held every 5 years, with the next one taking place in 2021. Anyone aged 16 or over can vote in general elections.
Tynwald holds debates on key Isle of Man issues and passes laws. It consists of two branches: the House of Keys and an upper chamber, the Legislative Council.
The Queen is Lord of Mann and is the Isle of Man's Head of State. She is represented on the Isle of Man by the Lieutenant Governor.
House of Keys
The Members of the House of Keys (MHKs) are elected every five years. Political parties play a very small role in Isle of Man politics, with the vast majority of MHKs elected as independents. There are 24 elected members of the House of Keys who are elected from the Island’s 12 constituencies with each constituency electing 2 members.
Legislative Council
The upper chamber of Tynwald is the Legislative Council. Eight members of the council are elected by the House of Keys for a five year term. The remaining three ex officio members are the Bishop of Sodor and Man, the President of Tynwald, and the Attorney General, respectively.
The two branches sit alone, primarily to consider legislation, and together as Tynwald Court, to consider and approve matters of policy and finance.
The Chief Minister
After a general election for the House of Keys, the Chief Minister is nominated by and from the members of Tynwald for the duration of the current House of Keys. He is then appointed by the Lieutenant Governor following Tynwald’s nomination.
Tynwald Day
The two branches have joint sittings once every month between October and July. Each year on the 5th July (if this falls on a weekend, the date will be the following Monday) Tynwald meets outdoors in St John's, a village in the west of the Island. This is a Bank Holiday on the Isle of Man and any citizen can raise a petition to the members of Tynwald for debate.
National Anthem
The Isle of Man has its own national anthem that is often performed alongside the British National Anthem.
O Land of Our Birth (First Verse)
O land of our birth
O gem of God's earth,
O Island so strong and so fair,
Built firm as Barrule,
Thy Throne of Home Rule
Makes us free as thy sweet mountain air.
To read more about Tynwald, click here.
To read more about the unique Manx heritage, click here.