It all starts with a visit. More Info
Rowena Kinrade, Lincolnshire

Rowena Kinrade relocated from Lincolnshire to the Isle of Man in late 2018. Rowena, a keen rider visited the Isle of Man TT Races for many years and volunteered as a TT Marshal. Rowena who went onto meet and marry a Manxman, lives in Ramsey and is an Events Co-ordinator at the Ramsey Park Hotel.

The Isle of Man – where magic sleeps
I was first introduced to the Isle of Man and the TT Races in 2013. I was captivated by the Island, the racing, and the warm community immediately. I went on to visit the races every year after, even volunteering as a radio handler with the TT’s marshalling team. I loved the energy and the atmosphere – the experience of watching the races and being a part of the marshals is a thrill and raw joy you can’t put into words. I met so many incredible people, spanning generations and nationalities and we would share biking experiences and life stories. It was such a rewarding experience being on the front line!

On my days off from marshalling, I would explore the Island. I am wicken, so was immediately drawn to the heritage and mythical tales of the Island. There is a real raw magic here, and so many amazingly beautiful and historical places to visit. I would take my camera, and visit King Orry’s grave, the fairy bridge, the drinking dragon at the Calf of Man and Viking burial sites. These sites are unspoilt, and to this day you can still touch them with your bare hands and sometimes without another soul in sight - it was simply wonderful. Of course, the natural beauty of the Island was breath-taking, and I loved visiting the many glens, waterfalls, and walking along the amazing beaches.

It didn’t take much consideration, but in 2018 I took a leap of faith and decided to make the Isle of Man my forever home.

An enriched life

Moving to the Isle of Man has enriched my life in many ways – both professionally and personally. Both my mental and physical health have improved significantly, and I have found a new sense of freedom as a result.

The pace of life in the Isle of Man is not slower than the UK, but different – it changes your perspective on living, and how you live your life. There is a real ‘get up and go’ attitude in the Isle of Man - people want to get involved in things, whether that’s community clubs, associations, activities, or events. There’s always something to do, see or join. The accessibility to sporting and creative activities, history, restaurants – the great outdoors, is in abundance, which allows individuals to invest in themselves, but also inspires others to engage and participate – it really is quite infectious!

I can walk to work, which is such a joy – I walk along the harbour, watch the fisherman get to work, and the sea twinkle under the Manx sunshine. It’s moments like this when I realise, I will never leave the place I affectionately call ‘Freedom Island’.

Rowena Kinrade

Taking biking to the next level

I’ve always been a huge fan of motorcycling but have only ever ridden 125cc bikes. Living in a motorcycle mecca has certainly motivated me to up my game and having been inspired by the many fearless biker ladies I’ve met along the way; I’m looking to get a 600cc licence in the summer.

Along with the Island’s motorsport history, is the community and biker spirit that comes with it. I met my husband on the Island, who is equally into his bikes and together we will venture out for a ride either on the Mountain, up to the Point of Ayre or along our favourite stretch from Kirk Michael to Peel - or ‘sunset city’ as it’s nicknamed by locals!

Career progression

I had worked as a post lady for many years, and decided on a career change when I moved to the Isle of Man. I enjoy engaging with others, so decided to venture into the hospitality and tourism industry. I initially worked as a Receptionist at the Palace Hotel and had several wonderful years there. The hotel really looked after their employees, and I always felt valued. This shows in the strong bonds I formed with both my employer and colleagues – I made friends that became family.

After moving to Ramsey, in the north of the Island – the jewel of the Island as I call it, I decided to move to the Ramsey Park Hotel. I quickly worked my way up to Events co-ordinator, and organise events ranging from weddings, birthdays to christenings and coach trips. The job is demanding, but incredibly rewarding - it’s a privilege to have played a part in someone’s special day.

I can walk to work, which is such a joy – I walk along the harbour, watch the fisherman get to work, and the sea twinkle under the Manx sunshine. It’s moments like this when I realise, I will never leave the place I affectionately call ‘Freedom Island’.

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