It all starts with a visit. More Info
Louise and Andy Green, TT Romance

Islander, Louise, and Andy Green met and fell in love at the Isle of Man TT Races. Andy who is from Derby, has been visiting the TT Races since 2004 and finally got to make the Isle of Man his forever home in early 2022.

Falling in love with the Isle of Man - and my best friend

Louise -

Andy I first met at the TT Races through my friend who was hosting Andy and his friends via the TT Homestay Scheme. We were friends for five years, but as our friendship grew, so did our love for one another – and we finally became ‘official’ at the 2017 TT Races.

We did long distance for several years – lots of back and forth between the Island and Derby, but from the get-go always knew the Isle of Man was where we would settle. From that first visit in 2004, Andy was hooked on the Island. It wasn’t just the racing, but the warm and friendly people, the safety, the scenery, the number of things to do here – it’s hard to pin it on one thing, because there are so many positives about living here.

It's been a challenging five years, with Covid, ill-health and all the toing and froing. We were married in late 2020, and only had several days together before Andy had to return to the UK. When things began to open up in 2021, Andy could finally lay permanent roots here – and together with three full vans of bikes (he has 11 in total!) he made the journey to the Island.

Making my Isle of Man pipedream a reality

Andy -

I’ve visited the Isle of Man for many years for the TT, and even before I met Louise, knew I’d end up here. To finally make that pipedream a reality has made all these years of long distance and ups and downs all the more sweeter.

Coming for TT of course was an incredible experience in itself and became the highlight of my year. Each time I’d visit, my stays would get longer – to the point where I was staying for five to six weeks at a time. Me and my friends would bring a van full of bikes, and as well as watching the races, we’d take out our Enduro bikes and explore the Island off-road. Each year I’d visit, I’d fall more in love with the place. When Louise and I were doing long distance, and the time would come for her to return home after a trip to the UK, I’d drop her off at the ferry port and would be heartbroken each time – saying goodbye to Louise got harder, but I was also so envious that she was going back to the Island!

The Isle of Man – full of adventures

Andy -

I still pinch myself that I’m officially here. This Island maybe small in size, but it’s big in personality! Louise and I will take ourselves off for mini adventures all the time – whether that’s on the motorbikes, or out for a bite to eat – we love eating out and there is such a huge range of gorgeous fresh food to be sampled all over the Island. We love music and theatre, and there’s a fantastic entertainment scene here – we’ll go to a gig, concert, or play most weekends, and have made many new friends as a result. Sometimes we’ll take a ‘staycation’ and make a day of it and book a hotel in Douglas. The travel network on the Island is fantastic, so it’s super easy to jump on the bus.

Everything is on your doorstep here – we’re both keen photographers and have lots of fun getting out on the bike and finding new places to explore and shoot. The heritage sites and of course the impressive (and very diverse) scenery here makes for a great muse! We live in the seaside town of Peel – a stone’s throw away from the beach. Of a morning we sometimes like to keep it simple, and will take a walk along the promenade, up to the ruins of Peel Castle and along to the breakwater kiosk for a crab bap – life couldn’t get any better.

My family, including my son and his children, and friends from the UK have visited here on many occasions, and have been overwhelmed at the amount of things to do here. From the wildlife park and the electric railway to the pleasure parks, beaches, and activities such as Ape Mann and axe-throwing – there’s something for all ages and interests.

Freedom at our fingertips

Andy -

I am a qualified electrical mechanical engineer and found work here very easily – in fact I even got my job before I had the interview! My employer has been incredibly welcoming and has made my transition very easy. I love my job and look forward to going to work each day. They’ve offered me training and the work is rewarding and interesting. I actually work less hours than I did in the UK, and this has afforded me so much more freedom to live my life how I choose. Of course, living somewhere in which everything is so accessible – from friends, and community to activities and the outdoors, has quite simply changed my life.

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